
외이도염에서 식초세척 전후의 상피 산도변화와 치료효과

황순재1,*, 조재훈1, 조재구1, 신상훈1, 서한규2
Soon Jae Hwang1,*, Jae Hoon Cho1, Jae Gu Cho1, Sang Hoon Shin1, Han Kyu Suh2
Author Information & Copyright
1고려대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
2다사랑 이비인후과
1Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2Dasarang Otolaryngology Hospital, Ansan, Korea
*교신저자: 황순재, 152-050 서울 구로구 구로동 80번지 고려대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 전화: (02) 818-6157·전송: (02) 868-0475 E-mail: hwangent@kumc.or.kr

© Copyright 2001 The Busan, Ulsan, Gyeoungnam Branch of Korean Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Aug 10, 2001; Accepted: Aug 20, 2001

Published Online: May 31, 2020


Background and Objectives: Damage to the EAC by high humidity or trauma causes a reduction in the amount of cerumen, which induces alkalinization of the EAC, and optimizing the environment for bacterial overgrowth. External otitis causes decreased cerumen production by destroying the apopilosebaceous units, leading to greater alkalinization of the EAC, and greater bacterial growth. We believed that the key to treating external otitis was acidification of the EAC to inhibit bacterial overgrowth and to promote re-epithelialization of the EAC epithelium. This study was designed to investigate the changing of the pH in EAC in progression of external otitis and to verify the usefulness of vinegar irrigation in treatment of external otitis. Materials and Method: This study comprised 40 patients, 51 ears with their first attack of external otitis, and 40 controls. In all cases, the pH of the EAC was assessed using a pH indicator strip 3 times with 1week intervals. Antibiotic therapy with analgesic treated to 28 ears and vinegar irrigation therapy was done to 23 ears. Results: The following results were obtained. 1) The pH of the EAC in external otitis group was more alkaline than normal group and becomes more alkaline in proportion to the severity of external otitis (p<0.05). 2) As the external otitis getting recovery, the pH of the EAC was more acidic in antibiotic therapy group (p<0.05). 3) As the external otitis getting recovery, the pH of the EAC was more acidic in vinegar irrigation group (p<0.05). 4) The statistical difference in pH value term was not found between the antibiotic therapy group and the vinegar irrigation group at the recovery process (p>0.05). Conclusion: The change in the pH of the EAC is an important factor in the diagnosis and recovery processing of external otitis and vinegar irrigation is a useful treatment. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2001;12:203-207)

Keywords: 외이도염; 외이도 상피 산도; 식초세척
Keywords: External otitis; pH of external auditory canal; Vinegar irrigation

(최종) 35권 4호 Quiz 및 정답, 해설


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다음은 갑상선 로봇수술 사진이다. 다음 설명 중 틀린 것은?


1. 이 접근법은 Mental nerve injury의 가능성이 있어 mental nerve를 찾아 위치를 확인 후 수술한다.

2. 일반적으로 이산화탄소를 주입해서 공간을 확보하므로 합병증으로 CO2 embolism 발생 가능성이 있다.

3. 다른 부위로의 접근법에 비해 절제하고자 하는 부위에 빨리 도달할 수 있다.

4. 합병증으로 다른 부위로의 접근법에 비해 수술 부위 감염 가능성이 있다.

5. 합병증으로 다른 부위 접근법에 비해 구강이나 턱, 경부 등에 피부 천공이나 화상 등이 드물게 발생할 수 있다.


정답 ①


Transoral thryoidectomy의 합병증으로 다른 접근법보다 CO2 embolism,
surgical site infection, skin perforation,burn risk rate 가 높다.
Metal nerve injury risk가 있어 구강전절절개를 safety zone에 해야 한다.


Kyung Tae, Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2021; 14(2): 169-178.
Complications of Transoral Thyroidectomy: Overview and Update

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